public begins to condone Illegal do*u'kIl 4Ir  s  extss numbers, of doe 
beome visibl. But for Iihg1   doekiU fig, w   buck-la stats would hve. 
iWrrte8 earl Ver. 
     Ae  laws are amirbe for a   erdwhic; nese bildi: u.(20) 
hardly for a hord in need of roection. Irptions have bee e sofinod to 
bkla    stwtSU , mnt in Xinoesota wre large refes have showm irruptive 
etff'os. Tý*se large refuges bav. the sanm local of feet as bucklavm.

     flm.  There is general rm    t that a littlei fire tpmrve deer 
ran,e but that whlesale burin      detro    It (1, P. 10).  Whe door a-e

to irruAt a decade or two after the first affeativ   fire control, dave 
to Leer and ran  is e   rmted by the olosum, of tr. om, for this 
shade. out moh browse at a ties of maxim aned for brse. Te prosont 
deer orisis in Wisconsin is      ted by the preset oomrotre. a       s 
which crw up following thef fire-oontwel system established about 1930. 
     In parts of the wost, there was widespread reproation of forest 
tree  followin wirl overgain ani later fir-ootwal1. tese now foroee 
be** saw cls ed their ,,   &Ad uas shaded out ouch b      0(13). 
     these ..oav characters of Lrwizptive deer herds follow a sseuoe. 
the early stges of *iah are substantially alike for all hers, but the 
later sc    of wheoh Liffor aoordia, to Vtetkiýr re4ds.l &e%$an
is propt 
and dselsive, or dilatory  ad Insuffelitt. 
     MU I:    Seti   the SUM.   The codbistio of a back law, a r"fugo

$10t40, gSd law eafemeessi, s&W p.,oator reomoAl 'sets the stage"