(3) No perso shall be a Goucol memer who msn et ban a *      e 00er

       of the Sooie4 for at least me year. 
       (4) l"rior to the first annal meetin, the. Lrgaizers of the So-

       ciety shiall aonsitlutoiits cu C1. 
       (5) Th fimal year shall begn or Janary 1. 
 I* The offcr         of the lloety shall consist of a 1Prsident, a Yc .-*

 det, aatda -'reasurer she shall be elected by the Oau~il froa its,n membesrs
 who shall sere for ne ear or uatil their sccessors ar. ete           aM
alto a 
 Peruanat Seoroetary aho &ball he chosea by the Council ýana whose
tomare sllbe 
 sbjet to the  eteryiaatioa of te Coiual. 
 atiA     Th, offiers srfll -erfor. the usua auties of ;uch officers.  Th
?r     - 
 o~r shiall render an 9=u-al report to thoCuai for each fiscal ywarý
!!Mn hi. re- 
 torts shall be audited at such ti.. aM    a sucn h minur as the C11owol
wv direct. 
   *5c~ 1fle _'ouail shall AlOct from Its numbr an 4xctv Cmit f not 
levis thu three r more thus five -teers. T   i ecative Coltt   shall c 
oa the Auti.e of the Cloucll bet>san me-etts of the vucil, aM ihull submit
the f    l wr+ arts of all its -rociedlas at Pproxmtr    ly three mo    inartvls.

atien of the  xseutive C0 ittee -ay be seaued by P vote of the majority of
mers, at m+ etings or t         the  edium  fý telephos., teleenh,
or   Al. 
          T!he ^,.uasll~ create qaM aý_-olat suc  ataanlng or secial
aýnd advisory 
comitttea as it m" deem nece.sy for the       romotiou mad ,roper oadct
of tle ob 
jects of the 'ociety. ,1 o  e   of mhe rioeieth  s be Aliible tTo ..bership

uxj!on all cotuittees so created. 
Acto+ 6. .a a date to be desýated by tke £zxacative ifltte.,
        o falia    - 
Ing thie first three mouths of the fiscal year, thke Cauncl 3cvull liol.ý
itR na 
             (~)  pecal  tlag  ofthe Cosil WVaL b, Call'ed by thL' Psidet,

      o)r secretary ur by the written ra,-e!st of five members of the Cr
      (2) All eetiags of the CO i  shall be held In Aashitan. )* Co. 
      uless otherwise dtermined by the   'Mil.