Delta, Manitoba, Canada 
                                        June 25,1947 
Dear A.L.: 
       Here is something to think about. The enclosed 
duckologicA, in which D.U. is 'pleased" with the duck situi tion, 
shows the area of hbthnst duck concentrPtions as black &n 
their r'ap of the Prairie Pro-t nces. On the basis of the fignires 
coming in regsrding the number of breeding birds per squerp mile of 
the best duck country of Saskatchewan and Alberta, guess bow much 
aren would have to be block to accorrmodate 54 million ducks. If 
there are 54 million ducks they rould require an gll of Minnesota, 
g]I of ihrth and South Drkotas, all of Yontana, all of Zanitoba, 
8satchewanAlberta and British Columbia all of Yukon Territory and 
ll of Alekalk mmummmmamd as their breedingr grounds. In other 
words, to hold 54 million breeding ducks in concentrations such 
as are found in the beet of E3hsktchewan this year, all of these 
areas --mountainxlake.,mmhal spruce forest, citie",desert end all--

would have to have the same densities of breeding ducks as the 
black now shown on the Uuckological. 1811 bet there hare not 
been that many ducks in the last 40 yesrs. 
       D.U. tried to put across theor optimism at the recent game 
and fisb meetings here. It didn~t go across because most people 
here know they are not telling the t ruth. But the AmericRn 
sportsmen are still vulnerable to their unchanged publicity policy. 
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