.... j, 
Post Office Box 738 
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 
                20th, 1931. 
Mr. Aldo Leopold, 
404 University Ave. 'Nat'l. Bank Bldg., 
Madison, Wis. 
Dear Aldo: 
Please accept my apologies for the delay in 
acknowledging the receipt of Miss Horn's letter 
of the 2nd instant, enclosing your plan for 
the proposed "American Jacksnipe Society.* I 
have read your memorandum over several times 
and have talked it over with Haskell Noyes, and 
think that it has great value and wolId like to 
see it go through.   We wondered if it would 
interfere with the purpose of the plan, to in- 
clude woodcock?   This is Haskell's idea.   To 
me the habits of the Jack and its habitat are 
sufficiently different from those of the woodcock, 
to make each bird an object of separate study, 
even if you and I love them both. 
It may interest you to know that there was a 
very fine flight of jacks at Marquette the 
first week in November, and that a few of our 
old friends up there made very nice bags. 
It is a long time since I have had the pleasure 
of seeing you and I hope that something is going 
to bring you this way soon and that we may have 
the chance to discuss in detail something more 
about this wonderful bird. 
CJA:P           Cordially yours, 