dk - 
                                                AUC-aut U- _745    J 
 Zear A.L., 
        ,nkr- for Dr. Rowen's letter. I am rpturninp- it Pnd another in the

 master's   -And. Just finiphed P 1000 mile tour of the Provi-c&    ,
with Bob 
 Smith,11inj in the journey but four Kbrp-tails, two b-oic of one hen Pnd

 one young. Tr~vellin' the Pme country in i        e? and 1P40 onp w1ould
 chicken at leas; every ten miles, Doe oitp this rock-bottom condition general,

 the l ocal b'nd of squaret iis~ m' to hold its numbers right along. 
        On the  -- ýr trio I sra  sorm of T.U.'s work. Until this
sum'r i have 
 beleived Tom to be honest. It is now clear, after sinp their -o~k in the

 field, that D.UT. i .im'ilv a money-mpking outfit and is fund1mentally 
 f*   disLonept. I~kno- m( D.U. to be the damndest bunch of dirty low-down

 filthy li-rs th3t ever moved im Immlmma           in rPopectabl:1circler.
It it 
 my hunch th't the D.U. wrograr will nrove to be one of tho big swindles
 itory; c-rtýinly it. i the greatest fraud in. the history of conservption.

       Thy hen' do r     nything to mr to make uv r'y t's: ex  tp to lie

 to mrn mnhrnm  like they have lied to you end everyone else who would listen;

 to them,rr~d their coo"kedwu reports or look at their fake movies.
I ctn 
 never P;.ain beleivp Fnythint they rpv or print. If thpV Pro not P bunch
 crooks, they a re the next thing to it. I won't spy thet they have mispoent

 money or anything like that ( a!thouch thPre Fre mny ,bo 7ill Ppy that),

 but I will spy that they hpv,! .iven ducks one crookfd deal when they nsk
 to bel~ive wh;t they soy. They havn't the -lightet coneýption of
 meening of truth; I Oant think of one printable adjective to describe them.

 Whet I think of their i- unprinteble. 
       I donit understend how thpy ever zot this fpr without bring -xnosed.

 I supuose it is because everythi.npr they do is bpsel upon P frvagret of
 The project we visitedfor instance, is 54 good m, ement 95f just plin 
 bunk. Th  54 i! slt and that ir ,rhnt onn  sees when they phows of  one
 their ares. And, Fain, con'idprably more of their eirl4y work -, pood. 
 The Big Gv~ss lersh is somethin~oto be iroud of. The sad part of it is that

 if they would only stick to the truth they could be proud of much of what

 they hvve done. ks I se, it, es the years Mmmm wInt by, good orojects became

 htrder to findmoney PP sier to get -nd the tr th hardpr to follow until
 reched the point wher-e they discarded morals entirnly ,ith thp mpin objective

 beinr m-nev ryther thpn ducks. Ducks Unlimited is a wondprful ides that

 zredýally, then raoidly has gone haywire on a terrific scale. 
       I am -oin- we  ertly and hone to sp   some of their Alberta and 
Saskptche'iin projects. If these orove to be the sane Ps the 1anitobP work

I will find it impoar'ihle to hold! my tongue. Tom has been pskinp' mp questions

for seven years. Now A Pm goinpto ak- him P'ome end he is going to either

hvve to lie or admit.D.U.'s volumne of lies to the ATericran Soortvmen Prd.

rver one  lse. There is nothin7 oerponel in this, -Ithou'h I hate to think

wh't a sucker they took me to be. Duck's Unlimited is the rawest deal 
the weterfo-l ever hpd; the lies have done much more hrm than any of D.U.'IP

Piddýling projects have done zood.