1!y favoring of an open society -- espeoially In case of affilia- 
 tion-- represents a complete reversal in attitude on my part since 
 we had correspondence regarding this point. If this means any en- 
 barrasement to you, T am very sorry. 
      I wish that you would let me know what you think, and also 
wh!t suggestions you may have to make. There -re some knotty prob- 
lems here that do not seem to be making much progress in solving 
themselves; yet it is of fundamental importence that they be solved, 
if at all posgible. 
     I earnestly hope that our various views will not prove to be 
Irreconoilable, as I am convinced that much is at stake. 
                                      -a-ul L. Terrington 
                                      'Res. Ass't Professor 
c.c. AIo Leopold 
     R. I, King 