six months if we participate in this coiLference. The Foundation's 
delegates must in first instance get in touch with the interested 
United States government agencies and discuss policy with them. 
   In second instance, they must decide exactly how they will 
cooperate with other private organizations in this country so that 
the American delegation can be selected and instructed in con- 
formity with a simple, clear-cut policy. 
   In third instance, the Foundation will be obliged to carry on 
an extended correspondence with British delegates, and with 
delegates of various other European countries, in order to pre- 
pare a tentative agenda for the Paris Conference. Agreement in 
advance will do much to insure the success of the conference. 
  These matters will require about a third of the time of one 
member of our staff this winter. 
   Two round trip tickets to Europe. .........    $1,200. 
   Thirty days in Europe at $25 a day per person .  1,500. 
   Travel expenses, approximately. ..........       400. 