42~4 Univerpity 3*ýr PU*~c

4r. William Foone 
£05 Z. ordan Ave. 
Thte fact that you have cr4se4 deor yards all wiuteýr &=! have

yet to ef wolf trik   ii:, I t~iik, thr most eloquenQt evidaeoe 
of the Wlsconasi zitvatton tlhat ccyud posilbly be offeed..  I 
alrerAy               I~e~aaa I-no that 3111 Essudlttn. will alvno 
undratret.ý that tile field wtorker-s-, vm~rda:.s. otc. will 
reaot uavorably to tlhe, wolf-de-1r control idea r-t first. 8.Ow 
theyo, will r*Aet evntually to the,ý question. 
T have h:4 3-,1 yet noanswor from the rar 3rvice *,bout 
3pW2795l iij.ejuxl tVe  Qot f *rhwrItix4;, up- the, pheasatnt 
bamdirý-- studies. Ve will prob,,-bly siot hesar abcmt this 'iamtil

after the; opportunity to do arqthia h.as ýon. by. 
Vs lio. to conmt raze the, woodcock, oemuz thou+ at c~xple of, 
  15st.udete rwoirkin under T' "Perd' direction. 
                         Tuzn sinowely, 
                         A-ldo topold 
                           Prfssrof Wild, Ife      meArg~nt