entrusted with the responsibility of looking after the interests of 
the iigratory wvterfo-!l, the research in upland. game and.-to some ex- 
tent the interests of the sportsmen, I have not once been approached 
by Euny representative of the S-porting irms and Liriunition MR-annufacturers

or asked directly or indirectly to alter reg'-altions, or in any way 
conduct my own affairs or the workings of the 3ureau to -promote their 
interests.   I have called upon them for cooperation in the three-shell 
limit for repeating and automc.tic shotguns, and received a courteous 
and generous res-ponse.  In the controversial question over the proiosed

closed season for migratory waterfowl, a question which I presume would 
mean a great econoi.ic loss to the shell ae.- gun maĆ½kers, there has
been one word. coming out of them.  S-oortsmen's clubs which have much less

to lose ha.ve been less silent on the subject.   Holrever, it lies largely

within my Bureau to see that game is not overshot and to make the hunt- 
ing regulation in one great branch of the sportsmen's field., I cannot 
in any way participate in a p:roject which might be construed as an ex- 
change of favors with the ammunition and gun makers.    I have put these

suggestions for a constructive program uo to you, believing that by 
such a plan the co,=uron benefits of an increased. game sup-ly would result,

and a permanent method of maintenance would be estalblished. You may take

it or leave it.   You may set up your organization independently of the 
Government service, or you may legally entrust your funds for the project

to the Biological Survey for administration. 
       I do not pretend to give advice in the business affairs of you 
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