kAril 5, 1946 
Dr. Bera.rd Frarnk. 
Forest Service 
South -iBuildi n 
Washington, D. C. 
Dear Dr. Fran1: 
               Than% you very much for your cornments on 
my scheme for saving the wilderness. 
     I thirn your ideas are first class so fa_- as they 
go, but the pressure on wilderness will ihcrease so that 
something elsev will have to be done, hence my suggestion 
of quota.   I am not wedded, however, to that idea and 
would welcome any other which really w;ould do the job. 
My feeling is that 'your suýgestionis, while per- 
fectly satisfactory for the :cment, rouli not solve the 
problem fcr long. 
                              Very truly yours,, 
                              Robert F. Griggs, Chairman 
                              Division of Biology and Agriculttura 