Delia, Manitoba, Canada 
  Dear A.L.:- 
       Art tells rg.. n  .ou ha-rý hi a bucy Trinter. Brtt1,,r coyr-
on up thin 
sumcmer while BI' and Nino arn here. 
       Eniclosod is eoncthinr -"+ich -4-.1 intrest you in t-1, U it
Is" th, 
first local vport srnviis proposition that stvei birds for romiplqcr rlse

as well as at home. Tbe only end small o'jf,.vtion by mnv mrnbors of' the

local group whon tlis vlir Torkpd up was tb)t what vrq th ure of saving 
ducks here when they wfre going to   nt bell b)nved out of th-m soyneplace

else anyway. And the objection was ovirp-ruled by thV philosophy that 
comnebo]y hos aot to 7nt the bcnll rolling mnd Vf yoI savf( duchk at hormn

you can't help but save theem for someone else an well. 
      Incidentally, the fel.orsr in Portagi got this up on their own; I only

s~t in on it5 This has much more than local bearing. There are lots of 
other arenas with tle eam problem df transients -- the Fish vnd Wildlife

S:- r i, --Rfuges by Pnd larte serve transients the spme, way, and in some

places I dare say rih the samn effects. 
      The plni hps b>en drawn up with an attempt at non-s-r,,ntion. 
In as'inU the non-resid-rits to hold off until tho l1th, the local 
res~idnts nre cuttinq 19 dayse o" t+eir own seavon. And it t- not ei-ied

at any sroeial group of non-resi&dnts although it will, of course, hit

the commercial cpmps. 