October 6. 1,)47 
Dr. 'William H. Elder 
Iartnent of Zoolo(7 
Univorsity of Hissoart 
Columbia, MIsotui 
San supposed to notlfy the ologictul Society 
by October 15 of the speakers md mtbJiots under 
the animnl -po.tion zy"oni,2 for print ýiw in the 
8ociety's proaram.  ktti.',ed is a  etvision of the 
z'zu  pr*t e  sent you a wenk or two ago. The 
rnictic)l difflmlty in the dismasion of      eoia 
latons Is obviously niether         MIdfson will 
cooermte without being listed ,s owe of th  prin- 
oil-al s-m-eaera hinself. i do not f..l lik1e wvldne 
him a second spweker býeue his dat-a     yours 
bolth a-rrply, to thn sami arre.; name~ly, Horleasho.F 
Lake.   s   gtion is tht since IHnsonls data 
is now scheduled for aiblication under joint author- 
ship with Bob Smith and iper  ,qrt Hawlin. th-t 
yo  as  the three of thorn for their permasio to 
emb-dy the glst of their cda in your spenh. 
Plenae let me lmow by October 12 whother y  ae 
willing to accept the Job of presenting Cnxint 
goose data nd whther thee is any modiflolition 
of the pTrgra 4Mt yot wish to make before I send 
it In to the ýýolqogio I i3ocitity. 
                                You-s as awir, 
Aldo Leopold