October 4, 1941 
 Now York Otty 
 My dear George-, 
      1 M aIrrgrg *A 1~t Ive Comittee Neetig fw Or &A    arl date to
plea thes 
 POstPOn~ .umml meting. Dr. Gaini, resi~.ta tion the* Council will make aL

 vacncy which will be f ill.d by jmwe Marshall,, md the r~tuzs of oeof ou
 egutive 0410ittOM~n ho   in a distaint State will waheC a Vaeaney *~ich
will have 
 to be filled with a O~tawillor v*0 lives in fteiigton. 
     For severa.l year we have bees able to get a quowi for n annual meetings

 eog 'by paying 'the expeses to Washington of a Osnnasillor who lives out
of t~m. 
 Wail. crtain Councillors sa have Individual experience And special knowledg.

 eonoqa fully to uwarat that ox~maee, we ovuot sot be forest to It merel~y
 quorm's sake, 1%rs out to be able Councilorsenogh In Washington to mot 
 ordnary cwatingewseis. Also .inou  to aswir an executive committee equipped

 to handle all developing sanditinse of life and scion"e, 
     Oat of nor than seventy living wr, these four shouldA not be hwar to
In feet we ougt to fin& not only e&most wilderness def endews *zogh
but *he 
also had been admiing friends of Bob. 
     Om- Wash ingtonain willing to serve stands out ideally in the preos
or. JInest S. Griffith of the Lilbrar7 of Cnrs.afin       n   neawn&k

climbing competitor of Bob# a. U, om ftwem Utiea, N. T. Ne got his A&.
B. In 
Hailton at twenty-one yea   of Moe. At twentyĆ½fcur he was wropo in
at Princton, and took his D. Phil. In Berlin at twntv'-ain. At thity.4hwse

he uas lecture in the Depertment of GoverneM tai Rarvard. It was a das@ 
sooolarohlp *1ich teok him abroad in 1217, 
     ft his "tturn bobe.mo Proessr of Comprative Gav~nent in ey&*