(4) The period for publications that should be considered should 
be definite and it seems to me that we may as well accept the recomuen- 
dation in the President' s letter that it be for the calendar, year pre-

ceding the annual meeting at Which the award is made. 
     (5) If a member of the Committee is author or joint author of a 
contribution being considered, he should not take part in deliberations 
concerning that paper. 
     (6) A documentary citation, engrossed if the expense is not consid-

ered objectionable, should be made rather than a cash award. Some day 
we may come to the nmedal stage but perhaps it would be best to start 
with the other plan. 
     I shall be glad to have your views in full 6n this letter and any 
additional suggestions that you may care to make. It seems to me that 
in two or three rounds of correspondence we should be able to arrange a 
code of procedure so that we can take the next step of listing papers 
worthy of consideration. 
                                    Sincerely yours, 
                                    14W,         -y           i