property.  All members, except Honorary 
Members, shall be eligible as directors. 
  Sec. 2. The Board of Directors shall se- 
lect each year a Committee on Elections, 
whose names and addresses shall be pub- 
lished in an issue of the magazine not later 
than during the month of October. The 
Committee on Elections shall consist of three 
members of the Association in good standing 
for at least three years, who are widely 
known for professional or industrial attain- 
ments or public service in forestry, and who 
represent as far as practicable the profes- 
sional, industrial, and public interests em- 
braced in the work and objects of the Asso- 
ciation. Not more than one member of the 
Committee on Elections shall be, at the time 
of selection, an officer of the Association 
other than Vice-President. Suggestions for 
nominations for any officer of the Associa- 
tion to be elected at the next annual election 
of officers may be submitted to the Commit- 
tee on Elections by any member of the Asso- 
ciation; nominations for such officers may be 
made by not less than twenty-five members 
of the Association, signed by the members 
submitting them. All suggestions and nomi- 
nations should be addressed to the Commit- 
tee on Elections at the main office of the 
Association and must be received by the 
Committee on or before November 1. The 
Committee on Elections shall nominate a 
candidate for each officer to be elected at 
the next annual election of officers of the As- 
sociation. The candidates nominated by the 
Committee on Elections, together with any 
other nominations made by not less than 
twenty-five members of the Association, 
which must have reached the Committee on 
Elections prior to November 1, shall be pub- 
lished in the December issue of the magazine, 