                        1 A I-i Li A L  2 
           Outlying farms or ranches of a subar .rinel character 
may interfere with wild life restoration in many ways. The re- 
tirement of such holiins will freouently in~vlve the nurchase 
-f not nore than 160 to 640 acres of -rivately owned land on 
wr-ich the ranch is located, but will free tl2ousands of acres of 
over- crazed ,,ublic lands which suirrund it, qnd can accompolish 
the dual ur ose of shrinkr=i coiL-erciai livestock or farming 
and exoandini\ wild life, and, incidente liy, in vnv cases, 
stovain, erosion and dep.letion of the ran ..... 
           The most cormLion and iLmportant (obnoxious) type of in- 
terference occurs -'here an iutlying ranch controls the Lre ing 
privilege to the suzroundin- ran.-e vitally needed by the large 
or rare big game maiaaals and revents the exclusion )f live- 
stock from such range. 
           The selection and purchase of such properties can 
usually be ierformed through the administrative agency i.ana, ging 
gale on the surroundin. range. hIost of such lands will be in 
the IPational Forests, IIetional Parks, Indian :eservations, on 
the Federal )ublic domain, or in some State refage, forest, or 
*,ark, so that no ex ense fo- ad.ainistration or Lainten,'nce is 
          The Federal hild [if Director should cooperate with 
the L',ency concerned to bu.     nch lands. 
          Less comionly, tae oitlying ranch will be on orivate 
or unregulated public ran me. The action, if any, irast be suited 
to the ci2ýcunstances. 
          Tjyes of land to be suobmitted for consideration: 
          A grazing ranch headquarters situated on public domain 
where the .razin- -eriiit has already been reduced to a miniimum, 
but wl'ere grazing still interferes with some valuable big game 
herd, such as tAountain sheei,, ntelooe, or elk. 
          A grazing ranch headquarters located on a bear v~n~e, 
where bear cou it occasional de redetions and- ave in the last 
been subjected to traeýnin_, or  isonin ,, but w.ere the real 
reseedy is to Ouy the ranch and let the bears have the rai ne. 
          Outlyinb farm prooerties serving as a base for )oachers, 
,iarket-hunters, or ot 'er illegal dna e to valuable game herds. 
          An outlying farm now a source if dange claims b. reason 
of beaver colonies, elk h-erds, or other oarrnals using nearby range. 
To retire the farm is good agriculture, good economy, and good con- 