recommendations and also the recommendations of 
the division chiefs whose divisions are affected by 
said order. 
  12. On all matters of contention as to conserva- 
tion rules and regulations or as to conservation ac- 
tivities, then and in such case petitioners, proponents 
or complainants shall be referred to the proper di- 
vision head for personal presentation and discussion 
of the matter involved; and when an agreement or 
a clear statement of the disagreement is reached, the 
petitioner or the spokesman of the petitioning group 
may be allowed a reasonable time to present his 
case orally to the commission and the division head 
may be allowed a reasonable time to present his rec- 
ommendations. This procedure will be adopted only 
in case the matter in controversy is of a nature that 
cannot be fairly disposed of by the director. 
              PERSONNEL OFFICER 
   13. The comptroller shall act as personnel officer 
assisting the director and shall be responsible for 
handling all sick leaves, vacations, and other personnel 
  14. Pursuant to statutory regulations, the conser- 
vation commission or department is represented on 
the following state boards: Water regulatory board, 
state planning board, state geographic board, water 
pollution board, and the Governor's council. 
  15. All provisions of these rules and regulations 
not fixed by statutory requirements are subject to 
revision or annulment at any meeting of the com- 