R-earng the Zeu-I& Ducklings 
      As has boonindieated the ee  oklis are sufioently fluffof 
off after twty-four hours in the hatehiag 6art         t to p  ee 
dirstly under the hovers. These. .e at the rear of the rearng 
poes as is shovvI Fiur1~e 4,, sad are half-wtort like wooe 
struoturee with the front edges hianged and fringed with rubbr- 
isod )*lth. Youg ducklings may wander from t~hc hover into the 
pok at will. The inaterior of the hover is uwormd by means, of 
Oireuatirg hot. water, piped fvre  a ountral heatlng unit  and 
ciorulation of air ry b  eootrolled by mant of  ir vets 
hinged to the slope of the hor . Rvr bottmsa          ore eovwd 
with w   eth through which tfoal material drop lnte a pit 
which my be cleanmed from *-e bs* of the pen. The tlotws at 
the pens are woode, but, It 1is belloved that oernet woud be 
far -r praotleal. bides of t    pen ax  mostly .hiekm vre 
with a fir-or -ash exUtelg about three feet from the floor, 
The swimiing tank (Fig., 4 and b) holdire, 126 gallons of walor, 
mid the dryin off trouh are leosted lengwwis of the pm and at one sid*. 
A corrugted slope Is placed between the tan and the drying off 
troug  to permit thae ducklings to enter or leave the waer rae 
easily. The tenks are f~lled by means of water pipes entering an 
the side and dmrmd through plugs In the botteno 
      The hover fronts are kept *lased Pt first but as the dulints 
b~een older the fronts are raised aesordingly until they are 
sepbetely open. Ueat is rainteatd in the pipes hovwr, utl 
the birds wre liberated in order to prevent eco oesiv  olletim