Albmquerqu, Now Mezico, 
                                      November 10, l93 
*r. Aldo Leopold, 
Professor of Wildlife Manament. 
University of Wisconsin, 
Madlion, Viscnsin 
       I was    h Interested in the historical data that you sent 
Mr. Yard entitled "Vildernes in the 3uthet. In this cmontiom 
I wonder whether It would not be a good Idea to try to revive interest 
in some sort of official recognition of a portion of the Colorado 
River basin as a wilderness arm.   This Is an area in which bb Marshall 
has shwn grat interest bt which        now threatened by proposali not 
only to establish a )ational Park, but also by agitation to build 
through it a hih-povered highway which roughly would lead from Mesa 
Verde to Bryce Canyon. It would run from the Nvaj mountain country 
on the south to the Henry Mountains on the north, and would inolude 
the largest remaing area in the United States that is not transverse&

by automobie road*. If you wish I can bring together a rough map aad 
a little descriptive material concerning the area, and no doubt Marshall

would be glad to contribute something. 
                                     Tory sincerly your., 
                                        Hugh G. Calkins, 
                                        Regional Conservator.