Title - What Constitutes Trairnin- in WldAlife Ma--rnt 
Author- RAlph T.Xlný- 
ang time - 20 minutes. 
Synops is. 
        Trining in vildlife mnaeent mRt include mch of aimi 
biolojry. eavIronental const ituents andl relations and land utilizat ion,

Th.n. older fields of knowled provide three of the foea  oornmxtones 
tit constitute the foundational basis of wildlife mn-ervnt taining, 
viz., zoolo, ecolo               c.      furth cornerstone Is wildlife 
w   -    t techniques, a nw- field of knowledge and one tbot is 
peculiarly the prerortie and rsponibility of the wildlife tecticia. 
        Several of the special divisions of zoolofy, bt"y, forestry,

ariculture. economics q   sociolopy are distincti.y part of -Ildlife 
em"nt and contrbute directly to trainif in this field. Twse 
divislons are linsted And their contrib-tions evaltlTd. Those p-hases of

wl dlif e mnrent nt incl-ded In -previously axsI,    coiss ar 
crwn4d.~rad and. th-e necessity for and radvisabIlItly of ncrraignew 
courses in the cnu"ictlu is discissed. 
        The Importance of a ')ackg~round suchi as can be provided. only by

biological, ecolo ical, economic -nd historical xnowlecle is stressed, are.

thr ronmlete de-nendý-1ce of wildlife        on the eoloVAi     p

and the economic pint-of-view s re     simed.