1653 Pennsylvania Ave., N.Vi. 
                                 [ashinston, D. C. 
                                 December 9, 1937 
ir. Ralph T, King 
Roosevelt ;ýildlife Forest 7 xperdment Station 
Syracuse, Tlew York 
Dear Ralph: 
       Unfortunately I departed from Washirngton on a field trip 
the day before your letter of November 16 was written. Let me 
tell you even at this late date, however, that I am very glad 
to have your synopsis of a paper for presentation at the Third 
North American Iildlife Conference, and I am sure that it will 
receive due consideration by the full committee in drawing up 
the final program. 
       Please be prepared to let us have your completed manu- 
script in the form in which you would like to have it published. 
       Iiith very best vishes to you, Mrs. King, and all the 
little Kinglets, I am 
                                Sincerely yours, 
                                _JErnastL. Volt 
                           Chairman,_7r'r    ommittee