Vivtison of Wlif             t                           Ma 16. 1939 
            Mr. 0. M, Palr, Jr, 
            Am  tian Wtldltfo Institute 
            lavestmont Da--ing, 
            Washington., D. C. 
            Dear Mort: 
                      I have received the aditional remittance of $20, 
            which  akes the total in t-mpomra provision for the Delta 
            project $400. From this I ave disw-s.4 as followt 
                        H. A. Hochbau, sWar March 15- 
                          A-..)rrl 1, 1939, at $150 rer m ioth... $75.00

                        H. A. Jfochb~aw, &1airy4krri 1-50...0 
                      T am senaling yo an~ oitra copy of the proposed 
            Wemsent- Tlsis 1i a 2Otins form. un-ler it-al1 cooperative 
            projects in the Collew of Agricultre are bandled.. Last yeart

            as ym rfmsnber, the funds came Vhroug Pirnie a~t MichiganauM

            were disbwrs4. persouall.y by him, butt I thtnk It would, be
            esable this yeatr to haveý the salAry n trongi rega-thr
            ahaanni. The ~epnse ftnI had -plA~d to disburse Woolf 
            in order to avoid fiscal complication. 
                      I assumie that my letter e~laining the proposed, seip-

            up has not been lost and that you have a aony of it, 
                                               Aldo Leopold 
                                       Professor of Wildlife Maagmehbt