February 19, 1q94 
NýIman-Stephenson CO, 
Cedarburg, WisA onsin 
Dear Mr. !-tephenson; 
     We 7,ratly appreciate your letter of recent dat 
anr the attitude you have talen  ith respeCt to certaIn 
lans~ein the Cedarburg     p area. 
     You will be Intersted In the attaehed coy of a 
resolution adopted by our conservation commission at Its 
F1ebrvary I 1945 meeting, !ettlng u- a   isýonsin ConaIttree 
on Natural 2,reas to vork wlth the Commieoion in hrindlnr 
these matters. 
     I feel oonfident that the Xilwaukee Public Museum anr 
the iniyversity will agree to cooperate in this work nd 
that the representatlv-s will get together at an early 4ate 
and bein to function.    ,e have taken the liberty of sending 
coois of your letter nnd our reply to Professor Ailo Leopold 
ho will undoubtedly represent the conservatlon co!1isnionf 
on this committee.  In due time they will no doubt get In 
toluieh IAth you. 
                                Very truly yours, 
                                E. J. Vnderwall 
                                ( onreera ti on Direc tor