
                                                            2.~t ,1945\ 
Dear A.L., * 
        I will. of course, give the Senator and Mr. bell advance notice before anything in the way of making anything public. But first I am going
 settle my account with Tom perponally -- when he can deny,quallify or lie.

     I  I have been in Alberta visiting some of the D.UL areas --only the
   eh, not the dry ones of which there are quite a few. And what I said about

 /om in my two letters still holds. Only ten times more so. 
       Alberta scem: Rolling short-grass prairie as far as you can see: no

house,no tree,no bush, no fence,no telephone pole, no cover except very thin

short grass;no nothing except three antilope looking over the next rise and,

beside a little lake completely devoid of cover that is nestled in a cAulee,

a great stone cairn about the size and shape of a three-seat privy. Inscrigtion

on cairn : "Dedicated to that great American dportsman area pioneer
    bW erzol 
conservation, Louis Barkhousen." Comment: Hack-puttoole.       Money
can do 
anything I guess --- anything except erase an obscenity some cowhand has
to the inscription, his earthy comment being the only really true statement
ever has been made about this place on cairn or paper. 
       From train and car I saw 140 antelope in one day in the region of
all in small bands. I took a run up to Banff when finished to meet Carl Rungius.

What a man! 
       Thanks for the Green Lagoons proof. Yes, they did make it quite a
larger than it could stand. But no great harm done. Thanks for the check.

        I greatly appreciate your desire to help me get mat1otmw  a foothold
in the States. However, Wisconsin is not for me. I know the things I want
do and they do not include mussing around in a mid-western University or
around with anymore graduate work. I am really looking for a place to live

rather than any special job. I have worked for independence; I have it; and

I intend to hold it. Me For me to work for the University of Wisconsin would

mean that I must always be compromising with myself. You should know me better

than to think I would take anymore graduate work. This Is not sour grapes

because of my failure to understand the intricacies and politics of the U.of
graduate work; I beleive that   MM!MMNMMMMMNMM       M MUM      MM  the 
PHD-worship is one of the germanic influences we should hpve broken away
with this war. It has its place; but it is not to be worshiped,and it should

not be the password to the inner circle of high muck-a-mucks. I do not mean

this as ingratitude; I am simply saying what I beleive and my beleifs of
good things in this world do not include the University of Wisconsin 
@raduate 9chool. This is a rather harsh reply to your'very kind offer and

my comments result only from the distaseful thought of taking more graduate

work to reach a degree to gain entrance to a society to which I do not wish
       Wards are moving to the city and we are taking the "ig house.
Which means 
we will have spare room for the first time in quite a spell. Wonder if there
any chance of your getting up for a duck hunt and gab feat. Since I am setting

plans for a new program, we could make this official visit. Rowan's this
was such. Plenty of room for two if you wish to bring Carl or someone else

along. Have plenty of 12 guage shells now, but if you still are shooting
better let me know ahead. Would be easy to bring your dog if you like; but