UNITED STATES 
                   DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR 
                       FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE                   0 
                                              From Winnipeg Free 
                                              Press, Sept. 27, 1947 
      OUTDOORS with Stan Bentham 
      Manitoba duck hunters have been sold down the river. They 
      have two of the three greatest duck breeding marshes in 
      North America in their province and they have received the 
      poorest set of season limits on the continent. 
      The sister provinces have received a better deal from the 
      dominion authorities. They have an errlier season and in 
      some cases more birds. Hunters in Saskatchewan and Alberta 
      are banging their birds now. American hunters were able to 
      choose their seasons to get the most birds. Manitoba sports 
      men are still waiting their chqnces and watching the weather. 
      .we've another week to go until sho-ting opens. 
      In Manitoba the hunter is allowed 3b birds for the month't 
      shoot. Alberta has a season from Sept. 20 to inov. 11 while 
      z-askatchewan opened Sept. 22 and the hunter riay shoot urtil 
      October 61. Here the season- opens Oct. 1 and closes at the 
      end of the month. 
      Hunters of fhe United States have four birds a day with eight 
      in possession but they may legally shoot 120 birds for the 
      season. Mexico has practically no limit and the Cubans 
      are shooting as they have done in the -ast. Who's to blame? 
        Thatts the million dollar question. Many are blaming 
        the Manitoba Federation of Game and Fish associations. 
        The bag limits ;re ýat were asked for at the Clear Lake 
        convention in June. The hu ters, who are laying the 
        blame at the door of this association, are those who 
        never a teInd a meeting or even pay membership. 
      Charles Johnson, of the Minneapolis Stpr, sizes up the 
      situation this way. 
      "Canadian game officials never again will pay any attention 
      to so-called authoritative information on ducks that United 
      States experts pass onto them...