rU Mhard ff PouoI 
xt, OA 28, New hO*o 
D,--r Dick,- 
I    t  isor if 1h 1or ye      ni j aM 'IqI 
7o SIa  n f1 or rmr v-- dm  hlp In oonytr 
st.ilel. in  st.   mt list   ore of re I b 
     g- te)7Le           rbou tl) it o not &ppea~tim 
It, is t o Ft ot~ 5 nto  , hs ta~tn to reviewv na 
,i ot nda, s ohs  VA the  nqlor7.~ tohoola -)r 4 oth 
   D~patm~, Te aW:r~ pý71ly will be !5al 
i'lvnasrh as it is, desicxe to 'Ie Critical nmfl P3 
co-uaor~atian loulmrs.       to -etl i .nat~ 
to sae !low some of           MVo4s Ini o e3 
be aplied, and~1.etei 'A7ipeomin. 
  'pro~ject S~mm to nn toirl~ thnat v wi~ll 
  nedto ,,,-t mxpers to visit theý stvtef, fur a., ;-ifx 
of armsml weeks reham ý' tlhe prg  in 
I'arther vaong I will get i'n ta~zi wh ;Wr 4bouit 
it. Your de"pt1io of the now job with tho 
&'e4o~ra  Aeawm mns Mcftee   too vai  owV  agtn 
mei. I wmld like to hear mor abou    it I*on you 
MysV~ time. 
      pe-7Jik o ngn|gbatrgrst         o 
      md Moirm,