Virg   fldnaen 
            Wicnin, reported a orlitioal decrease In Caia9ose, in the 
         'ýAaissisippi fly ways as reflooted In the censu~s and kill
         the winter concentration at "orseshoe LeAke, Illinois. 
               eannuned an        tl m      to discss (leer, a 
         people showed up, largely stýte ao niniatrntors and state
         nioal men. It amazed me to use how ivuiy new states are reporting

         deer troubles simaila.r to ouir own,. They eall told sustantially

         the same storyt pulbic on-p-osition to deer rodaotions until it

         is too lato to save or.      a fraction of either the deer or 
         the carryin capcioty of the rg 
         I      ins ia reported contimwixs decline of her herd for two 
           masnst(1) alosin,ý in of tiabor, (2) failure of her Lees

         lature to =~thorise more thain loc,-l doe-kiling. Pmyvl 
         uses controlled shotin,, but the public prefer. the crude 
         method of unlimited license alea for whatever In opo. When 
         a doe ewson Is opened, it is aeparated from the back seasoa. 
         eF pr doe Wie en doo fl ier Hr dor!ae w    prea  to the 
         kiUbiffi reported coontimo~d delV by her LegisLratuxre to author-

         Ime more thamn local doei1d11iig, haos hear caryn ca~pacity 
         continues           e                      , to to own 
         derW     a P       eontinue to spread into         hiou l o~aetiae
         Minnesota reported inrasof her herd, under her aue-doer law~. 
         Slie claimed her aooi e~t te to be norml. On the Itasca State 
         Park, a chronic inrartivo area with an estiix~ted stand of 50 
         deer peor square mile, 200 peor scuare mile were takeon out with,

         quite a few left. baprodution in this pLArz Is nzined. (Does 
         this remind you of CluvbersO Island?) 
         New iW2untions waes reported in New Hampshire, NTebralm South 
         Dakta, Niew Yo*,-. )hine, Golorado, andAraas 
         Old and chronico Irruptions, evidently hitherto wuhdu" 
         were reported from half af (Ioxsi states. I will not give their

         nmemo in deferncoe to theRir Present frnaes in fatv;the 
I greatly regrt that more members of our djitetcudnthv            ee 
fited by this conference. Missouri haid a- dozen technicral mnon in attend-

ance, lus oowwissioners and 1  ,trpn It is the best short-course in 
oonset~ation methods that I 1cior of, 
                                         'fours sincerely, 
                                         4ldo Leopold 
!,hrah 22, 1946