intolligent adjustment dema   lecal knowle    of local f004 habits whigh

so fwr exists in only a few states.  ozr all thene reasons, deeor reseah
of ritieal sipo rtase at this time. 
        Doo studies awe under mW In the Alabama, Oregon, buzss tAsk andi

Virginia units, but der vinagent is still a raritW, nd the Pacific oast 
blatail remains wthut *n a life hstorT sttudy. 
        W    o      e prongorn is like the waterfowl: many scientists 
have cpiled and published observattons mde incidental to other daties, 
but nose has sve   + went a year asuriag e  tly what happens to a glven unit

of population. Hence we are still unable to eplain why a few antelope remantt

have increased and eaten themselves out of house and how, while the others

oontimae to dwindle and disapear. Undoubtedly livestock competition is the

main trouble, but just whewe, when. sad thwouh what food plants does it operate?