DUCK S/## 
                             %   & n &Z(CA NA DA) 
                      A Permanent Work in Sport and Conservation 
                                       201 Bank of Commerce Cmhabers, 
                                       Winnipeg, Manitoba* 
                                       August 11th, 1947. 
                 Prof* Aldo Leopold, 
                 The University of Wisconsin, 
                 College of Agriculture, 
                 Madison, Wisconsin. 
                 Dear Aldo: 
                 Referring to yours of August lst, first I would state 
                 that your name is being retained on the mailing list 
                 to receive all Ducks Unlimited publications. There 
                 will be no charge. 
                 I have been following the interchange of correspondence

                 between Mort Smith and yourself with a great deal of 
                 interest and I believe it is leading to a better 
                 understanding of each other's view point. 
                 In two days I shall be leaving on the aerial survey 
                 and will write to you again on matters of mutual 
                 interest when I return. 
                 I was out to Delta yesterday and had the pleasure of 
                 meeting Mrs. Elder whom I had met before and your younger

                 daughter, Stella, whom I met for the first time. They 
                 both seemed very well and enjoying their stay at Delta.

                 Stella has gotten such a tan that she is almost as brown

                 as an Indian. 
                 With kind personal regards, 
                                         Yours truly, 
                                         B. W. Cartwright, 
                                         Chief Naturalist, 
         To Increase and Perpetuate the Supply of Ducks