Prof. 7. V. 0.4.e 
Univeruity of Miehtig&4 
MAn Arbor, KLchloan 
Dear Dr. 0.4ige 
I quit* agm with you that ina the Oaa Of & 
povin ublicab3 tion by ymV own workers thw you 
Tour statement that 50 to the pwmest levlrni able 
a* to revt.s W own aniproxlate P,7hs and I an 
elost1g a   op~y of the revised text.  If zma still 
                   With periiorl r~ds 
                             Aldo Lepl 
                    Professor of Wi~ldlf Xmana&*mt 
0O DMA &nd lasoett