Delta Manitoba 
                                                  Jan 27, 1942 
Mr. Aldo eopold 
Professor of Wildlife Management 
424 University Farqp Place 
Madison, Wisvonsin. 
Dear. A.L.: 
        My only reason for oontinukng the discussion of manuscript 
troubles is to clear your mind on the point of irritability. If I haqe 
shown it it hasn't been meant.   I don't understand the downward trend 
of the paper from"Minor adjustments"of last January and "microscopic

revisions"of October, to large sections now entirely"dead 0. I
am not 
contesting that it is dead but if I am slow it is because it is hard to 
put life into something I no longer thoroughly understand. 
       You will consider me loose with time and obligations. I am getting

the manuscript back as fast as I can and I can't fulfill my obligations 
until they can be fulfilled.   TId the paper still in such bad shape 
that perhaps Paul Miller or some other members of the board who may be 
asking for fulfillment might not set that it does exist-- with the 
understanding, of course, that final revisions are still to be made. 
This might help with obligations for the moment and spread out tle ktms 
little time you now have for editing. 
      I will wait until we hear from Mr. Bell before submitting a budget,

but can submit a tentative one now if you think necessary. 
      There is not muvh chance of my going into the Army now except as 
a volunteer. I have of course offered my service but have been told 
tt is best to stay where I am for the present.   My class is 3b which 
is pretty far down the list. 
                            Yours sincerely,