Letter from Oficers--Page 4, 
and yuuz Regional Representatives eaestuly request that they be in- 
formed of criticisms and constructivese sggestion for the good of the 
ordr.    Those that an be will be handled by them.     Those that e-aa 
not will be presented to the net meeting of te     ocoiety,   It is 
possible for this 8ociety to become more olosely-knit than most 
national oraations.      We shall do e        in or pwe    toe 
it so, and we shall exoet the mmbership at large to do the sa. 
     We send4 you J or greetings and     best wihs for the 
                                      Joseph S. Dixo 
                                      Vic tor H. Oshelene 
                                      Warren W. Chse