GO AX aN Oa Y2X. RX1iI0R8 
on wildlife cosemvAtion W*oaoj  ~     emmt 
l'THPlMmtho*A- of  ooptsive th boy 14   dwmlop with tim., Yo  bape 
sent, ye           t oW.yI dadg 
    'lo~1t u-, wot  e-.oed 10 COozai1-imntaw  uiti-irrat thm T(-nrwl of 
        ~u~w. ~   to -. ~I~r   fro-a t~ae V) ttme nt tc 41maro- 
        otioea IU the                be riCtte, 
     by t ~ ~  ~       or~nd~  ~iitodi to oouinrilvtk*, for 
     11 blif-at'io 1- t'..        ý ?!~Ja~ r r.fleii of events 
     Lin hi; otniUntry o~'reta  Fh G0 utte ha  act in -,,n !-brl:aeyfm 
   4. 7-(e                ;jtte ~~X u~c!azid~ to he iuiý report of,
its opml 
   The o~te r rRlt ta pat-.b~il i'lt~nih y d)os r other 
&M~ SohOL13r. It iq ~hoi4 to ri-rwieat the 'iiaiet7 In ma~h gw*ttorke,
  ah'aI truzal toe t-,t ý n~ report of It,; aitivitlea.