that state under the provisions of which the landowners who produce a 
game crop may sell their hunting privileges, 
    Vinia: A new fisheries program has been lamuched that will soon 
put Virginaon the map in that field of endeavor. The Commission 
stopped the commercial taking of black bass and transferred 15,000 bass 
for stocking purposes. Research work in game matters is progressing 
    West Virainia: Full discretionary powera have been vested in the 
commassion; uniform opening dates have been fixed for all small up- 
land game; the statewide license has been increased from $1.25 to 
$3.00, with a county license now available for $1.00; and the non- 
resident hunting license has been reduced to $15.00. All license 
revenue has been made immediately available to the Commission. 
    Wisconsin: The Badger State has made excellent progress and during 
the year completed the Horicon Marsh Dam to reflood that wonderful area,

a project in which the Izaak Walton TMeague has been deeply interested. 
To Wisconsin goes the credit for being the first state to adopt the new 
American Game Policy throughout in principle in connection with the new 
five-year program for that state. 
                      Big National Developments 
          Among the big national developments, exclusive of measures 
passed by Congress last summer, are the following: 
    American Game Policy: The American Game Policy adopted by the 
Seventeenth Game Conference in New York last December was the most 
progressive step in game conservation during this century. The manner 
in which the policy has been accepted gener~ally is most encouraging. 
The longer one studies this policy the more comprehensive it becomes. 
Since the Meague had a representative on the committee which drafted 
that document, I hope this convention will formally endorse it so that 
the chapters and divisions will give the policy the support it deserves.

    MichiL'an Project: The Mchigan game projects have been explained 
at length. Permit me to say that in my opinion the big laboratory now 
under way in Williamston Township is the most important thing of its 
kind ever undertaken, and I predict a great future for this method of 
bringing about better sportsmen-farmer-state relationships. 
    Research and Surveys: Research and survey activities are gaining 
momentum xapdlyp, The report by Aldo Leopold covering his work of the 
past two years in the eight north central states, copy of which is 
available at the registration desk, is the first thing of Its kind in 
America. The game research vork is going forward rapidly, and we will 
soon be able to develop our programs based upon actual knowledge 
instead of taking pot shots in the dark. The manner in which education- 
al institutions are respqnding to the need for scientific workers is 
very encouraging. 
    Senate Committee: You will hear later from Senator Hawes all about 
the work of the Special Senate Committee. It has done a fine job so 
far. Its first report was most helpful, and the field investigations 
have placed the committee in position to evaluate the many suggestions 
that come before it.  The big job; namely, the coordination of 
federal activities and the improvement of the laws under which the 
governmental agencies operating, is still ahead.