-7)eoemer 17. 19148 
Mr. 3.°J 7.m~rm I 
D    tor - Conrvation Dept. 
State 0Offftc$   ir 
Wisou 2, 
     The followin- deaer ia.., reported to as by R.*, $ pints, 62T Kniaker-

bocer Stret, M&4iseon. sound to me Yery arbitrary aad tecical. I 
ld be glad to avi    yon ascertain whether there is  telv side to it. 
     Mr. Bpiinta was huntin in a party of five near tteruat. On Nve- 
bor 26 Znwrma    oi   f of 7ttomut, one of tho party, shot a b    which he

believed to iiave fb~v horns. Rs fouand Inatead that it was an abnorma 
s      with apiks i)ointed at dlifelart a4,lea, 4rviz  tho im-ression of.a

sk.       uiks  (not maanmrd) 10-12, die.er at ba    1".1 " /i
, d 
     Sai              k t-eI hwi kilei an illega letr, thae dressed it out
with the 
intention of notifing the      . A pair of self-taina dogg began at oa 
to eat the earns'g, so thoy loaded Vie deer and, all -five, raa started for

the wasdn. Zhay met tom wardons on *Ounty Faenr 7%ttarmit, to whom they 
explained thýe Case.  0e 6r eptIJ the deer 11d told tnhe         it
uýs all 
     Warden Lorkl. next da cilled at Jby.s houze &ud left won for him
onl. 3vdhy ý1d, rmd 1Ler"de tolA him to -ome to lu110n at 7 .U-
five went. Merkle took then to the City bll, m   out a warrant there, 
.ervel It on ')     T ~iaJe asýwd only --hether shy had ",,A
R-pikr in 
pose~seioa. Neither the J.?, nr ý-#rle allowed uA7 ew"lationo
nrn did ?w 
give ajy e    t     of wdy h1 was revswri the two vwsr-) wh  o   twd the

dteer. The fine wai $50.00, wchio the party divi~dei aung theseWves, 
     It is obvious,' o2 00uwe, that habyh Was ta'chnically illepal both 
in  aotii    E   ees)vl3  the .iw. 
     It aiea -      * T1y obvric= tiat lref   ao.Ot bay ravarued his 
subor-diiates witlwut soe exrplamtton, AMd sould. have mut off W  exploawA

tions the grwu h,=d te offer. 
     There wh be points which Eplats didalt koww, or failed to tell wa 
Hom.e  I am reserving Jtuigumt. fnt    oem      se  was tehically at 
fault, and he did. not adMa ki a In ou the fine, bti~t he io plenty indig