     there is little activoe ooperation betwo=n the Wilderness Socete 
sau the Uoologioa Society, despite the fact that both seek the ost&b-

lishwent of wilderness ares. 
     Mano members of the WilAeness Society, probably thin the ]"oologioal

Society sees mainly omll areas for scientific study.   ay ecologist* 
probably think the Wilderness Sooiety seek* mainl large areas for 
     loth should realse that only a nation-"wide system of both large

and smll areas, will serve the needs of the future.  Both should remalse

that ecological observation ts on* of the highest forms of recreation, 
while ecological stadies without an esthetic appreciation of the biota 
are dul and lifeless. To a Lsro extent, .therefore, the interests of 
the two grous overlap, while the p     mogres needed to serve those interests

Are identical. 
     t 1or                     hat the Wilderness Society hereby invites

thse oological Society to attend its meetings and use its jornaul, an 
suasets to the bological Society a possilel joint committee on oooperation.