pisoee on "at*,,W        Aresg, and find the aedowS 0o 010001Y vTaed
horee of capers that it was difficult to find a sidtable ".t In which
tO Picekt 
a hr~ae 
     In the -et -     .nko, lls (2dmey Tops, which ame a fine and spetaculor

*i&Vle ofTa heath beZ4d, .re boing sriousl~y dmgdthrough oer~uss by hli~wse

"a.etation Is baping Ummpled and erosion is setting up In the peoty
     Tn the --lla arm of 1"rior Nainlrnrt of Awwooita thure war* 
a mirpriaag4 ub    of ano. ý.mrtioe-  mny, in fatct that at timos
this      1.1 
   "wideress v.   4.w to a-,.,ar rather tam.  --,or are,, of oouwse
othdr area,*4s-4t 
have not yet been used extensively., 
     ,tw tinags are -9qpeiwd by the @ovesu trot' Just cited. (ýu In
lo-ital core*luaim that the use of the airplane woutld only aggre-fte  kh
eit  ORi 
by adding to the wi)~erneso tmvelors ahord. of popple who wotald vial% tlha
for a, brief        atk-ndo fishting or hunting,, people who are not aecessarily

iatereeted in AJAldre.ssan such, but who woul exli  the fishing or Yiuning

   posbilities in destrble 3oetinns which had hitherto been k~ept desirble
being wildorme.s It to. eany to viul~ize the .aindg helicopter, paritng In

Lopresidve inhnere in MO~ nmntain radnws, and aircraft of all desAwa'ptiona

filling, tho wilderness with crowd and equimeant. 
     rh  other th~h     .wete4dlhotunobelwehvntpandfr 
recration an ia lag eogh     al.. "7hre is a Ilka parallel in ýA
altust~ime ',e       a.w, s w-ldl1fe as oe of our prime resource, yet not
recently have we aubmaMe to the 4oi for supplytir, It with eough satiable,
Similarly, we rec ia.z moe~rally the iaportenee of outdoor woasmtio, both
* bug Inustry end unon   of the fnreaost of social needs. '-,et we haew not

provided for it adequatel7yI,e W  y soon realize that tMw speeial, sare 
we hove 
allotted 'to wsuh reerettios art fnr too mall, having Ime. o~mweivod in a
ww~ no mm a.reation wees in Its infnc and when land had not yet been so xten-

olvely squeeus into a streig Jacket of econmd and private sml, foring people

nore genraly Into the f.ry ly designated me~rsibon arwa         ndresa 
especially, require spae for effeutiveness flather than aggavte the problen
.mgession by Intrduing aircraft as %i ireeration Instrwnt, it would be 
logial for us to take the groinedsng   for wilderness          Scl~st attempt
autielpete the need by enlargng wildr   ,a a. woll as oter ~roartiom areas,

and to postpone any mansare for ourtaling unocaIzo.d trav" until we
havw made 
certain that we rneed not expad tho wilderness prga furthe. thile the cur

teilmont of inowl wvild~meefo  tivel lewis as a potentiality, cre~ctive rneamxs

can be tahein to postpoms such ýwmame, sash 9s p*vlne certain owerusd
a reast strict beg and crel hatd ,0 ol*~ up of cam iitts,, sad similar~ efforts.

     mn afect of arwiaby the nem of aircraft would certainly be the 
depletion of the fish aappiy. '"his would apply paticularly to she road).ins

   Prea ~ ~ of-qoýnr tiowl T~orest In northers ý1manostaa Thim
lakes afford 
resnably good fishing, which -)mnn resort. or rcgular trip. in by airplane

would destrW, bcnethe pouctv       capacity of their waters is very muh ow

tha  lake. hyt*g in hetter *oil farter soth, Therefre, if thin air~plane
allowd~ to go iuhaeka It would be mly a fow yemr. bofors the fiahing 
incentive wi   n,- longer exist. Aside from dae.e to the wildermesa, the

airplan would destro its ow   sfuns an a mens of reaching the former 
wilderes fishing*