Dsar Clitrence, 
The mr. I see of what youa hý-vo acompished on 
tho door mattor, the w~ I mimpe   4m with it. 
You cý&n b. vewry  ud of It, 
ýt stuet h,.ve bon tel11ng me of you      oraizing 
theu Cana-fia  tour? to look nywr twks  1%t's 
ec   e;      didt even toll  e about It, Ila 
I bhoe you alo mt Albert ibnhbum n Lyle 5      - 
if not you diU on y,.r CGaaian trip. 
ThIn la juit a M of ppeeealteo for yur, effoi  . 
                                  Your* over* 
                                  Atdo Ld dela 
                       (Sia   In Ur. Lpd's