.mmd   U1...  - ...rth ..t '4 1M 
              Th no*  f the .rga~stt1ato thal be the 3athmeit 'eto of 
              The 4114UIN 5001ty. 
              Me rat~t .*tl     of Th# :41Itf* iftity *bal be oepoe 
              ef meaor *Qo  rpsifwa to withia llgo 1 of ToWllf 
                omp..1.y,      the sttes. of b&tom DoT sM "  orat

              Pwazy1vmts, 1'.Vt Virg1nta, Atyad     D~lst    and the 
Az'tlalo 3,-Z. "RM 
          **Suton 10 
              94m.erehp of the c~ntic shal aonaslt of tvq g~ooe, ýotlv

              &AM Asc1t.g*, d efmAM in theý conotitutlan of nt
              All Metlw Upar of Tbe     MlAilfo ..lvity u&.w the jarwtdietou

              of thto !Tet1 shel be eligible to Mtive iobrhip in the 
              All AsEo1t. mebr of The 41411t. 'o.Iety mde thejuts 
              dittLOR of this jtion *Wel be eligible to Mesosate nebrmi 
              Ia the 10*12 
          1ietio 4* 
              A~ll el1Iiblins tr nebropI the 'Vation -An.l ý billed
              osetio duo by the                and ~ Mshell b~ow omber 
              of theb .bo "4tni go es~tandin wpm the p~ayet of the flwet

              afotasisy or be  Ia-Vtv4 to ýItsnfit  00mittee bet both

              eloaeenoof nuxbes %ball be mtitled to al1 *ter 7igts",