     This failure of the Forest 3rvico to make adeute provision for forest

recreatIon wa  sharl criticedsea by th. la. Robert Marshall in the chapter
"Re      onal  ae      - in his book, #The Peop's 7orests." where
this state- 
nt Is found:      Oubtle ownehip in itself is not enu      to saeguard the

interests of the wscreationist in the forest. It is quiite onceivable that

undr pblie onerhip the forests miht be adinistered too largely fm      the

stdpont of produuing raw mterial, while the esthetic values might be largely

disregarded by those in control. As a mtter of fact, this very situation
&s     in  oe tof the national forests, for 
or wierne      re   ton       e 30 milion acres of forest land    a    ,-

*the scent 30 million acres of forest land. which alone remain to remind
us of 
the vast wiliarnsu tats of our recent pioneer history, 
     O  the inor,-the d4elarations of polic b   the Forest Sevie itself;

its opposition to the inlnsion of forest lans in the Olypic National Par;

its failure to got aside an lare forest wildernes,-It sees clear that there

is little hope for the preseration of forest wilderess under the U. 5. Forest

     o much for the foest. but what about the hope they hold out to us of
alpine regions? Well, where mineral deposits are present, this als would
to be Illusory. 
     In my opinion, their decision to exclude the norther half of the propose

Glacier Peak Wfnideess Area   s contrary to the public interest, and we sholuM

not give it our ap-roval. If we should approve it, the bars would be lot
that much further to road-building In the area. 
     I believe that either a national park or a national recreational area

offers the best method of protection for this regien. provided assrances
given in advance against trans-intain and swy-line raeds. And the ful control

by the goveernt of   ieral resoures is alse necessary to the preservation

of the higheer values of the are.. 
                                             /s/ Irving