I -- Election of Officers 
        The President shall appoint a nominating committee' which 
 shall recommend to the Society candidates for      office,  Mem- 
 bers shall have the privilege of nominating additional candidates 
 from the floor before the ballot for each office. In case a 
 ballot does not result in a majority for any candidate, subsequent 
 ballots shall be limited to those tvo candidates receiving the 
 largest number of votes on the previous ballot,          ftt 
                  -- Election of Council 
        Representatives to the Council shall be chosen . one from 
 each of the following Regions: 
        Region 1, Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, 
                  Rhode Island, Connecticut. 
               2# New Yorki Pennsylvania New Jersey, Maryland, 
                   Delaware, District of 6olumbia, 
          tt   34 
   I           6o 
                              (To be written in) 
          ft  9, 
          "  100 
          "  12. 
       Nominations shall be made in each Region by a nominating 
ballot to be supplied each voting Member of the Region by the Ex- 
ecutive Secretary during the month of November, preacding the year 
in which a Regional representative is to be elected, In each 
Region, the names of the two Members having the largest number 
of valid nominating ballots as received by the Executive Secroe 
tary by the following December 31, shall be promptly submitted 
by him to its voting Members for election. The nominee having 
the majority of the valid votes as roceivod by the Exocutivo 
Secretary by the following January 31 shall be declared elected,