24. Insurance 
$   309.00 
       Normal operating cost. Slight decrease (24.70). 
29. Drugs                                                  * 1,090.00 
       Normal operating cost. increase of U280.00 due 
       principally to increases unit costs for items nurohased. 
30. Services                                                6j129.00 
       Increase of ;3,570.72 due to contract ivork in painting 
       Madieon laboratory (q650.00), contract for heating 
       extention in vadison laboratory ($730.00) and charges 
       for remodeling to nrovide additional Tork space in the 
       Spooner laboratory. Part of funds for University 
       Cooperative Projects 'also apnears under services 
       (V:3, 262.00) 
     UnAllotted                                           $ 2,272.00 
       For unforeseen emergencies Rnd special assignments. 
       Decrease of 'h9.99.