SOUTH OF THE 53RD PARALLEL 
SAG UMrl$---0000, 5 aday: pouaeafon, 15; eoaoel~td. Dook.,12 a day; p..aoeimon
40; . aon, 100. Co.t. and Rail.... 2. day. Wilson or. ok ip  I      I-I'IHl.
     I5ta ay 
Wild Geese, Wild Duck, of any kind, Cot.. Sials 
Wilson or JSk Snipe. 
Moorning Dooe. Little O rooco. Sandhill or Whooping Claom, Swane or C.H.
or r h.1. 
birds of any variety, Wood or Elder Duck, Planor. Woodcock or Yollnudteg.
Cailale, Pheanot, Quail or Wild Turkey. 
Ruffed, Canada, Sharptatlled or Plooctod Gruos and Hinoarlan portidgeo. 
Rag limit and data to be oat by Ordorin.ounoil. 
'Male Caribou. Momo, Doer. 
*Mal Caribou, Mlot, Deer. 
Antelop., Cabri, Elk Or Wapiti. 
    F raeonyemaleu er the  . of .o . .yeart . CarI bot-,e, Mo.a. 
lOtter, Basest, BadoMn,Mde, Rae0.0c., Sbaon (Baufato) 0. Musi.c 
Fisher, Mink. 
Foe or Lima. 
            Per-'1'e of North Latitude. Reopen. N-. 27th l.to De.7th. 
        No,. 27th to 010 2nd-t, that portion of the Procselo  (except game
precrves) lying S0outh 0t the Canadian Pacific RaBlemy, WinnIpIO to Edmonton
line, nd WestO  --f 
            the RSd Billr. 
        NOn. 27th tt D-. 7th-to any other pOrtio :f the ProoIoo (e.ce.pt
ganme pre..r.es) not Included In the b1.0.. 
tMUSKRATS-lo that porio, of the Prolcnt 1*in, to too South of the 53rd Parallel
Eastc0 Less Wltipnflad to the  oolnRicer. the .SeS.. 1e m. Marr h 20th to
May lth.. 
tOTTER-in the ara lying East of Lak= Winnipo; to the Ontario Soondary and
North of Mhe Wienipeg RIII to the tited Parallel 00 North Latitude. and in
that part c1 the Whitt. 
            shell Forest RaeseI lying to the North co the Whiteshell Game
Prose-ro  the season is from NO,. 1. to April 30th. 
To hunt game on Sunday. 
To hunt between sunset and sunrise. 
To hunt or trap on any person's land without 
To hunt game with an automatic shotgun. 
To use weapons using ball cartridge when 
   hunting ducks and geese. 
To carry or discharge a rifle using ball cart- 
   ridge in any marsh during the open season 
   for game birds. 
To hunt any game birds with a pump gun 
   unless the magazine has been plugged or 
   altered so that it cannot carry more than 
   two shells in the magazine. 
To use swivel gun or gun of any kind of a 
   larger bore than 10 gauge. 
To carry a loaded firearm in or on or dis- 
   charge from any vehicle, aircraft, horse- 
   back or flush or hunt game birds with or 
   from a motor vehicle or aircraft or any 
   boat propelled by steam, gasoline or other 
   nmechanical power. 
To use any contrivance for taking game birds 
  known as monitors, sunken punts, bat- 
  teries or night lights or boats not propelled 
  by hand. 
To have wild ducks in possession after March 
To use snares. 
To use live decoys. 
To buy, sell, deal or, traffic in any game or 
  part thereof. 
To kill any birds other than goshawks, sharp- 
  shinned hawks, Arctic owls, crows, mag- 
  pies, cowbirds, blackbirds (grackles) and 
  house or English sparrows. 
To destroy or take the eggs of any birds pro- 
  tected by the Game and Fisheries Act. 
To hunt, shoot or trap without having a 
  license and such license must be carried 
  on the person. 
For a non-resident to apply for or ob)tain a 
  re-sailent license or permnit to hunt any galnie. 
To export aniy game, skins or pelts of fur- 
  hearing animals without the necessary 
          Published by Authority of 
     Hon. J. S. McDIARMID, Minister. 
To avoid to show sex of big game animal. 
To trap or take big game by means of night 
  lights of any description, traps, nets, snares, 
  baited line or other similar contrivances. 
To ship big game later than seven days after 
  close of season. 
To use or be accompanied by a dog while 
  hunting big game. 
For any person to hunt big game unless 
  clothed in a complete outer suit of some 
  white material. 
To have game of any'kind in any camp used 
  for commercial purposes. 
To act as guide without first obtaining a 
For a guide while employed as such to kill or 
  take game. 
To molest or destroy a den or usual place of 
  habitation of any fur-bearing animal other 
  than wolf, or to destroy any muskrat or 
  beaver houses or beaver dams, or to shoot 
  or spear any muskrat, beaver or otter. 
To use dogs for searching out or hunting 
  muskrats or to allow a dog or dogs in any 
  marsh during the open season. 
To train more than one dog for hunting with- 
  out a license. 
To deal, traffic or export the skins or pelts of 
  fur-bearing animals without a license. 
To purchase or upon any pretence or upon 
  any device sell, trade, barter or in any way 
  whatsoever deal in unprime skins or pelts 
  of fur-bearing animals. 
To have raw pelts in possession ten days after 
  close season without a holding permit. 
To have in possession game or trapper's 
  license thirty days after close of season. 
To purchase or obtain by barter from any 
  Indian the flesh of game. 
To set or use poison in any manner, shape or 
  form for the purpose of taking fur-bearing 
To fail to supply the information asked for 
  on the back of Big Game, Game Bird and 
  Trappers' Licenses. 
           A. G. CUNNINGHAM, 
       Director of Game and Fisheries. 
Fox or Lynx. 