Ald  Ion-ol 
    37 -*t'nuinr O-9 Ag31A) the r~atiou of the Wt~sennatdorhad ths State

  Conervtion Goodsio has, in eq oninlon. ahýmO sothorto po,:etofah

hawd we cn car in     tmoe t orn., 1 8a   14ma that w aro lin effeat, 
   *ison       prtesvn"ou  w~ t doo hw~ing by matga  the fatuxe. 
   Th WMse4n-i -xbU, refues to b.iei*e that this is a fat, N~et as Inaa 
   ! s'of other states with the ems T"bl     the wibli has refu~sed
to bell@" 
tht it Is a mect. In nine .eae wt of tea the -jbU.a has baeow      ovnd 
onl after the rae has uftored. from fifty to ninty percet re~uotton in Ito

*&xi'zw @aa-*ty, '01e the rair ts don a more hosdftil of deor atti..s
kee I t Lews, 
     "tata after tatit has walked Into this blind alley an eM r   a,
later, saddei but wtIfor, with on~ly a bare rena of its awe fjmjr&I*g
p1amtlon. a'tato after state ha. gnu* thrmirh this wrlar dos to te 
tags of Its tethnleal ae. And no    Wtse~ein. 13y four oon.emtlvo wstpows

ma*ts of hr-owtnhas show       olarWv that    tsimItm4  to rep~t the #a 
     ýfw vote 4ag~st bý Tdtion was four to    ,comialigoe 
    r o whob 
voted Iagant re~wtta    4X,       that hoemp retwioea was needod, but that

the mblie did not yet )ww It:,  h    that roewtIoa mot awnlt mrs   * 
lie a.wation. TtIs vat a polite      of %aying that ho wa etn um~       freas

&TUmlo by the aoer~i             s  lthe 14eIsaturs. It Is *amo knoet

ledg  tht MW No   in thenz    .5Oa of h -   ties wouI4 haw. been followed