January 23, 1ljI49 
Mr. Lwle K. Sowls 
D)i ta " Waterfowl Research Station 
Dolta, S@anitoba 
>ar %rle: 
We axre required to entbmit,by February/ 2, a request for 
any reseý-rch grants needed duriug the school year 1946- 
1949   rZis raises the question of what kind of financial 
support you will want during thia period. 
It occurs to me as possible Viat the Institute nriit parry 
you on the grounds that you have to write ui, your rosearch 
anryhow, vuid you could better do it here than At I-IAa. If 
this is a p'oisibility, it would rob-ýbly a, oref nrble from 
your stand oiat because it aoulfi      a i   er r.Ao. 
If it is not a possibility, then the question is would 'ra 
prefer a te'achinm snistuintshir or a research r:,niLt? 1bo 
former woild entail helping?; with 179 T'nd L16 dt"An: the nal 
-ne-.ster rnd with 113 and .3bort Cmtrse during the friný 
ernoo ter. 
If you prefer a research i-r-nt, o. had better send ne a 
brief syno;psis of your thsi- reI  roh so tT' t I c'1n na0e 
my request conformn with wht you ýill actually be workinl* 
on (tbnt is writine up) during th  yePar. 
All of us are of cmrs ooin forward to your shorter 
visit at thq end of this winter,  ..t we ;,ist also antioi'ute 
your nwerds for next winter. S[ince this -pos3ibility invowves 
plans for Delta, I tua takina the liberty of seuding, a copy 
of this to 'Ibert, 
With porsomal reords, 
                                  Yours as ever, 
AL:pm                             Aide Leopold 
P.3. On thinking over the rciAxiniu!. tilee, I decided I had 
better wire you for a tnntr.tivo a÷ar to the above nucetions, 
and heWnce hve snt you the folio~r1: wire: "Do you i'ofe- a 
toaching ao~istantship or a rs roh   stiutthip for n'   w 
rinter? Pvcase wire tontative anioi-cr collect. Lettcr follows." 
2hould we then fail to iget your dota-ilcd roply bofore the end 
of next week, we cau i~iprovise soo kind of a roport b, lebniary 2.