424 University Traw Plaoe 
                                        Deoeaber 15# 1942 
Mr. James r. Bol 
200 Chamber of 0.uoroo 
Minneapolis , Minnesota 
Doear Mr. Bell., 
I'd like to lear up a few points In your letter which are not 
Noobbaum's responsibility, but mine. 
Soo after Delta we orpaed I heard you say dfinitely that wo 
would never attempt to poq a real salary at Delta. I mae't recal 
your exat words, but the ins of it was that we would rely a 
students an youn   men nt yet In the Ohig.r' bckets. 
I have sine* sasumed this to remain In effeot, and while we made some 
small mies., I have been aware for some years that we mere paying 
Iochbawam muh less than he  ould oosand elsewhere. 
If and when Delta to reopened, I hope it will not be bound by this 
rle, especially after It 4    lops a   od man. 
Since you specifically raisc the question of why Isochbaam left. I feel 
1plled to send you a copy of my letter to Fred Walcott. The fault is 
at least partly mine, althoug  I was uaware that the situation we 
Tour letter seem* to settle the matter of a hook-up with D. U. I ams 
taking the liberty of sendi   It to the Iastitute sad the Bard. 
I aa not discmssin  the reasons for Hochbau's leavin  with anone 
but lied Walcott ead yourself. 
                                     Tours sincerely, 
                                     AIdo Leopold 
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