Sep~t. 24, 1932 
Mr. Ovid Butler 
Exct ive Secretar 
Amercean Forestry kssootation 
1727 K Street, Lw.W 
Washintgtc, D, C. 
Dear Ovid: 
          Aeferring again to your letter of September 13, pre- 
viously acknowledged, I eneloze oopies of letters I am sending 
today to Messrs. Houghton and Leopold. These explain them- 
selves.   Fo  your information I also enclose the copy of his 
letter to Leopold which Mr. Houghton sent me. 
          I assume you have already spoken to Zessrs. Pratt 
and Vass, and that we may take it for granted that Graves and 
Wharta will be willing to continue to serve. 
1RII:RD                           Sim3 erely yours,, 
3nos.                                 2AfIS                ý