- LA. 
                .p$.1 28t, 19$47 
Mr. F-airfield Osborne 
Now York Zoologica Society 
630o Fih Avete 
New York 20, NL T. 
Dear Fairfield: 
I had to wire youm imqtbility to atten the 
may 16 meetin. That week conMans the fnl 
exam on m yeolog ocoure, evemrl ays of 
making exam papers, a meeting of the Cmoservation 
Commssion (2 ays), and two days of student 
intervim  preparatory to wi4ndng up the semostes. 
None of these dates Gay be hifte, d or Oca  I 
wish them on ay other person. 
I' sorr   to disappolnt you. I oan msen that 
you probably need some outside testioin". 
I hope the meetings go well. 
                             Your*s eer, 
Ald4o Leopold