-&2)4 University Wrm Place

                                             Webruaz- 2, 1 
Yish and Wildlife Soviee 
Merchandise Mart 
Chicago, Illinois 
Dear MeAteet 
I baye deferred writing yu while waitin for an opinion from a fish 
ma on the Ta1swell paper, but JuAge from your letter of Jamuary 30 
it is not very heay. Accordingly, I am willing to d4op it from 
I 2am already convinced that the Severaid paper does not quality In 
respect of weight of subjeot matter. 
I have now read the Wyoming sheep blletin carefully, and while I 
consider it my ahead of the Severaid paper, I don't like the 
divided authorship, and I am in doubt about its outstanding merit. 
In opening ip a case of deficient mineral nutrition, it certainly touches

upon a very fertile field, and if this had been accompanied by experimental

vork, m doubts would disappear. I can' t get away, however, from the 
comparison between it and other papers which we have passed over in former

years. It ts not in the ranning with mlen's quail paper nor Green and 
Evans' snowshoe papers. 
It now occurs to me whether Charles Elton's " Tolas.  ice, and Iamngts

0"a not be considered within the scope of the awar. Neither the 
original resolution nor the rules limit the award geographically. A large

fraction of Elton's book deals with Canada,and Canadian work is certainly

In the running.   I don't know whether Elton is a 'member in good standing',

bat I am certain he takes the Journal because he quotes from it often. 
t take it there can be little debate about the outstanding quality 
of Zitonfs book. If, therefore, he is not excluded fro& consideration,

I nominate his book for the aard for this year. 
                                          Yours sincerely. 
                                          Aldo Leopold 
                            Professor of Wildlife Management