A 3ri, 7 !1*7 
Mr. T1"UrflIeld Osborne 
1ew Yozc Zoolog1,o~a $ooilety 
630 Fifth Ave*nue 
siew YorL d(, )ie York 
I    Ixm  u1; -ou Cr com2llo'e ooleotion Of the Albreoht 
reo-lis, ind do i few rela t     ts whith I thou- t 
you  C'. ti'ouh h it. :.btJows yo:   -vn in mid1 t'he 
OV-:dionn ~dil  foJg :ve us ,C× ,t t:r fi:lty of th 
t~b'eh rj ~   a 
tLf to your lioryn'. 
     o uale. 4. . 19~4~5. .-' ; " . it L 
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study of organic #ricuLturo.   Doven- c¶ r Go., 'hr Yo:. 
I haye a god deal of resteot for    ile'z hoO but 
1iua'd' view i8 biase, nand n' to be c meeto aS 
scentifie f's, andr in ingt,